I really didn't mind her waiting to take the plunge though. Almost every time I pick her up from the child care at the gym, one of the workers comments on how cute (they're smart enough to mention that first) and exhausting she is. I hear the term "too big for her britches" at least once a week. Which makes me feel a lot better about the condition that Brandon regularly finds the house (and his wife for that matter) when he gets home. That being said, I love that we have such an independent, full of energy, determined little girl. She is scared of very little and is constantly trying to accomplish something. One day she decided it was time to stand up from the middle of the floor instead of using furniture. I am not exaggerating when I say that she spent 20 minutes working on it until she figured it out. She can be very focused when she wants to be.
And that's July. On to more exciting things, like August (which was equally as sweltering) and hurricanes!
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