Sunday, October 28, 2012


What?  It's a word.  Or at the very least, it's a word around here.  They call them "forced vacations", when a hurricane is headed straight for you and you decide you need to leave.

A couple of weeks before hurricane Isaac made an appearance in the news, we had the feeling we should get our 72 hour kits assembled and start building our food storage.  And boy were we glad we did.  We hadn't planned on evacuating.  So I spent all of Monday before the storm getting extra water, cooking all of the meat in our freezer so that we could just re-heat things on the grill, and getting our 72-hour kits ready to go just in case.  Brandon got home from work and we loaded up the car just in case we had to leave fast.  As we started talking through how we would get through the next few days (with the TV on in the background), we heard the weather man say that they were upgrading the storm and expecting several days and possibly weeks without power.  They also said that highways would be closing down within the next few hours, so if you're going to it now (basically).  We immediately said a prayer and knew we should go.

It was a crazy 20 minutes or so of getting the baby and myself ready while Brandon finished packing the car.  I don't know if I'll ever forget the feeling of closing the door and seeing all of our things, thinking that it all might destroyed when we returned.  We all know that didn't happen and I couldn't be more thrilled, but in that moment it was a possibility and I was shocked at how much I didn't care.  I just wanted to get my family out of harms way.  A few minutes into the drive we decided that we should just make the best of this "forced vacation" and go visit Brandon's family.  Genni could see her cousins and we could wait out the storm with family.  Best decision ever, we had so much fun!

We decided to break up the return trip and stopped in Atlanta to see more family.

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