Saturday, December 3, 2011

Our baby is TWO months old!

Genni turned 2 months old this month, and hit several milestones.  She learned and quickly mastered how to roll over from front to back (which has made tummy time much less productive).  She can now push herself up so that her arms are straight and hold that position for several seconds.  She found her thumb!  Only twice though, and we're a little worried she won't find it again.  She has SO much to say and smiles at her mom and dad A LOT.  She has grown quite a lot, but as we are very delayed in her 2-month check-up, I don't have numbers to prove that.  AND...(drum roll)...she started sleeping through the night!!!  (Insert hallelujah chorus.)  We love our baby Genevieve more and more everyday, and here's why:

Hello thumb!

Sometimes Genni has a very strong opinion about being in her car seat, but on this particular day, she was thrilled to be in it.

I love this face.

...and this one.

Isn't she just adorable?!  I can't believe how much personality she has already.

This was the month of trying new toys.  She was NOT a fan of the bumbo at first, but she has come around and will at least tolerate it now.

She liked the exersaucer a lot more than I had expected (especially considering that her feet don't touch the ground yet).  We had fun naming the colors and she figured out how to make noise with the little spinney thing (What? That's what it's called.). 

And she discovered the baby in the mirror.

Here are a few videos taken in the past month.  Looking for her thumb, talking to her mom, and dancing with her dad.


  1. Super cute and SOOOO great to see you all in motion. almost feels like i'm there with you!
    can you send an invite to uge and also can you send me a regular email so i can make sure i have your address.
    lots and lots of love

  2. She is such a doll! So so so cute, I can't wait to meet her! :) I love that video of her telling you a story. I can't believe what great smiles and everything she has already, so much fun!
