In New Orleans, any holiday is an excuse to party and have a parade. The St. Patrick's Day parade was a very interesting experience. They had a few really fun floats and some fun Irish music playing, and then there were TONS of men dressed up and carrying big towers of flowers or beads. In order to get a flower or some beads, you had to give them a kiss. It was very strange, and kind of disgusting. Needless to say, we were happy to stand at the back of the crowd. Then there were floats throwing vegetables (yes, you read right). They throw cabbages, potatoes, and carrots...the typical ingredients for an Irish stew. It was fun, but more stressful than I wanted it to be, so we didn't stay long. I love St. Paddy's Day though, and it was fun to dress up and celebrate a little.
I've been trying to be more of a Suzy Homemaker lately. One way I'm trying to do this is by recreating a bread recipe from my childhood. During one of my attempts, I decided to turn it into cinnamon swirl bread. Brandon was so excited that he took pictures, and he would want them in here, so here you go Sposo:
Unfortunately, they were better to look at than they were to eat. That was a couple of months ago though, and after many more attempts, I think I've figured it out. Yay! Maybe I can do this homemaker thing after all.
Lisa's wedding was amazing(ly exhausting)! It was so beautiful, SHE was so beautiful, and she married a wonderful man and into a wonderful family. I was so grateful to be able to spend a few days before the wedding with her, getting to know his family a little better. It was surprisingly cold during a good part of our visit. Mom, Genni, and I were sleeping on air mattresses in the living room, which, for those of you who have never slept on an air mattress on a cold takes your core body temperature down another 10 degrees, at least! We used every spare blanket we could find. The really fun part of sleeping on an air mattress was having my baby next to me. I would nurse her to sleep and then when she would try to roll over to sleep on her back, but the mattress would roll her right back into me. We didn't get a lot of sleep while we were there, but it was worth it, and we still had a wonderful time. Brandon couldn't miss a lot of work, so he didn't come until Friday night--the night before the wedding. He has never been a fan of being apart for any significant amount of time, but since having Genevieve, it's pretty much torture for him, so we tried to skype every night. We had the computer set up on the couch, so it was a perfect height for Genni to stand and look at it, while being able to keep it out of reach. Each time we would get on the computer, her face would light up and she'd try to get to him. It was so sweet. One night, while skyping, Genni started playing peek-a-boo with Brandon. Neither of us realized what she was doing at first. She would crouch down and duck her head and then stand up and smile. She did it several times in a row before I realized she was playing peek-a-boo. Once Brandon realized it and started to play along, she got really excited about it. Cutest thing ever!!! Then the next night when we got on the computer, she immediately ducked down and popped up again. I have one of the cutest kids in the entire world. And now, here are a bunch of pictures from the wedding.
Coming out of the temple. It was a wonderful sealing...I cried...a lot.
Lisa inherited our great grandmother's ring, and here she is with my mom and grandma Mimi.
I love this picture, they were smiling like that all day. Also, I love her shoes (I found them).
Getting that dress on took a minimum of two extra people, but she looked amazing, so it was worth not being able to breathe, right?
I didn't really understand what we were doing in this picture (as is clear in my wedding photos, I don't really get the cheesy poses and am terrible at them), but Clint's boys were so cute, I had to include it.
Genevieve LOVES her uncle Isaac, and he was an amazing help.
Clint's twins and their cousin Maycee...very cute kids.
We're so grateful that Lisa got married so that we could get a family picture taken :)
Millie and Don. I love these people.
The cake...that my mom made and decorated, yeah, she's amazing (I may or may not have had THREE pieces, it was just that good...and that doesn't include the container I took back to the hotel for the next day).
These were supposed to be floating in the pool, but they moved the reception to the front of the house at the last minute. Millie and I spent many hours putting them together...watching Friends, and burning the prints off of our finger tips with hot glue, it was such a magical time.
Does it surprise anyone that I have not one, but two plates of food in front of me? The food was amazing, I ate SO much of it and don't regret a single bite.
The sealing was perfect, the reception was gorgeous, and we all had a wonderful time...and were so glad when it was all over. It took a couple of weeks to recover from the serious lack of sleep, and the mass number of calories consumed. Totally worth it though.
My new trick is making bread too!! When we FINALLY come to visit I'll show you how. Seriously easy artisan bread. Jon is in heavan, and I've taken to giving it away so that I don't eat it all! You are beautiful, and the wedding looked AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteYour brothers are looking like MEN. Crazy!