Thursday, March 1, 2012

Genevieve's First Christmas!

I do realize that Christmas was a couple of months ago, but I didn't have the pictures until now.  So here it is.

We spent Christmas with my family in Idaho and had a lot of fun.  My nieces and nephew were so excited to have a new cousin!  They were constantly asking to hold her and presenting me with their recently washed hands so that they could do so (Millie, knowing my paranoia of germs, explained to them before we arrived that they could only touch the baby if they washed their hands first).  Genni loved the CONSTANT attention and even though we thought she would be overwhelmed by the amount of noise and commotion, she actually loved it.  Little Logan loved her immediately and was constantly asking questions about her and "how old will she be when I'm 10...and 14...", it was really sweet, but sadly I didn't manage to get any pictures of the two of them together.

Christmas morning was spent with Millie's family.  Mom and Elizabeth came, which was really neat and then we had Christmas dinner with Dad, Debbie and my brothers.  

Isaac is the baby whisperer...seriously.  He's amazing at getting babies to sleep, and he likes it, and I like handing off a tired, grumpy baby and having her come back to me happy and rested.  I miss having him around.

Sam was good with her too, and they were both really excited to be "new uncles" again.

Don is very serious about cooking breakfast.

Grandma Davis gave Genni this adorable Christmas sleeper.

She desperately tried getting those Santa's on her feet into her mouth.

Mia and Elizabeth.

Genni was really excited about the tissue paper, and was very anxious to get it into her mouth (do you see a pattern here?  She wants to put EVERYTHING in her mouth).  Side note: last night I was bathing her and for the first time she noticed the drain.  Unfortunately for her, the drain was under 2-3 inches of water, but that didn't stop her from trying to get her mouth on it.  She tried several times and was not at all discouraged by the amount of water she inhaled during these attempts...I was, however, so her bath time was cut short.  Bath water is so gross, is there a trick to discouraging babies from trying to drink it that I'm unaware of?  Apart from being disgusting, it was really funny.  Anyway, back to Christmas.

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