Saturday, January 12, 2013

Halloween. Be prepared, this may be the cutest thing you've ever seen.

I hate Halloween.  I hate being scared, really hate it.  Along those lines, I don't like masks, they scare me, and so I hate them.  I don't like all of the scary decor and the massive amounts of candy.  I like sugary, delicious treats, don't get me wrong, but I don't like them in high doses and I prefer a really great cupcake or blue bell ice cream.  So there you have it, the reasons I don't like Halloween, and then we put Genni's costume on and everything changed.  And to make it even better, she was completely and totally uninterested in the candy.

There has never been a cuter Ewok.  Ever.


For most of our friends and family, October is all about changing leaves and apples and crisp, perfect weather.  October for us was an extension of summer and we had to focus really hard on our cute baby and how great she makes our life to avoid packing up and heading north!  So I took A LOT of pictures that month.

Genevieve really likes to "help" Mom put things "away"...I find things in weird places, but I love that she tries.

She loves getting into small spaces and she gets very upset when I try to coax her out, but I don't love the idea of her hanging out with all of those cords, and look at her 2nd option!  Anyone who knows me knows that having my baby getting up close and personal with the TOILET is not something I handle well.

This was when I tried getting her out.

Also in October...we got a seat for the bike!  I can never get a picture of her smiling on the bike, because she's always so anxious to get going and irritated with the pause for pictures.  But she LOVES it.  We've started riding along side Brandon when he goes for his morning runs.  It's a great way for all of us to spend our mornings together and for me to get in a little extra exercise (side note: I finally fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans a couple of weeks ago...very exciting moment for this mom).

At the park that is right by our house.

If we ever leave New Orleans, I will miss these trees.  Not much survived Katrina in our neighborhood, but somehow, these Oak Trees pulled through, and I'm so glad.

Brandon and I went on a date!  We went to a BBQ and Blues festival...I gained at least 10 lbs, but I don't regret it at all, it was awesome!

Another small space that Genni discovered (at least it's not the toilet anymore, right?).

She gets into my clothes a lot, she'll either put them on herself or try to dress me.

We decided to see if she was ready to feed herself yogurt...she wasn't.

Genevieve got sick for about a week and half which meant spending a lot of time at home and not being able to go to the gym, so we had to get creative.

 We're hoping this will serve as early dish washing practice.

Not punishment for failure at the earlier dish washing practice.

Genevieve loves purses, just like her mom.

Pretty good balance!

Tomato bisque turns out to be one of Genni's favorites.